After early morning breakfast around 6:30, we will escort you to Prambanan temple, which is just 30 minutes from the area where you are staying. We start earlier to avoid mass tourists (students/group) and the weather is less hot than daytime. And the best time to visit the Prambanan temple is in the morning starting from 7:00. So, it will be less crowded and you will be able to take great photos of it.
Prambanan temple is an extraordinarily beautiful building constructed in the tenth century during the reigns of two kings namely Rakai Pikatan and Rakai Balitung. Soaring up to 47 meters (5 meters higher than Borobudur temple), the foundation of this temple has fulfilled the desire of the founder to show Hindu triumph on Java Island. Prambanan temple has three main temples in the primary yard, namely Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva temples. Those three temples are symbols of Trimurti in Hindu belief. All of them face to the east. Each main temple has accompanying temples facing to the west, namely Nandini for Shiva, Angsa for Brahma, and Garuda for Vishnu. Besides, there are 2 flank temples, 4 Kelir temples, and 4 corner temples. In the second area, there are 224 temples.
After enjoying the Prambanan Temple, we will go back to our car and then continue to our next destination which is Borobudur Temple area, but we will stop at Kaliadem Village. We will drive about 45 minutes from your stay.
Kaliadem Village is the last place before you do the “Kaliadem Lava Tour in Merapi Volcano”. Around 12:00 (midday), your jeep’s driver will escort you to Kaliadem Village; it’s a village on the slope of Mt Merapi that is destroyed after the last great eruption of Merapi on November 4th and 5th, 2010. The hot cloud (pyroclastic flow) hit this village. This position of the Kaliadem is 1100 meters above sea level. It makes the air still relatively cool, although the tree forest was destroyed when the hot clouds hit on. When the area was opened again, hundreds of visitors came until today, and locals and foreigners reached the location by American Jeep and motor riding. And now, these objects can be seen at Gunung Merapi Museum. The tour will start at Kaliadem Parkir area, from here the jeep will be ready to take you around the volcano for 2 hours, such as visiting the museum, alien stone, yellow river, the cemetery, and the village of the shaman of Mt. Merapi, Kaliadem hill & Kaliadem bunker. Then the driver will escort you to our normal car and then go to your accommodation near the Borobudur temple area which will take a 1h30m drive.
If the time suits our timetable, we will invite you to do a cycling/village tour in the Borobudur area where you will spend more time exploring the natural life of people in the surrounding and nearby villages. There you would gain the social and cultural values that exist and be well preserved. This tour brings you traveling around villages by local transportation called Andhong or horse cart (3 people maximally). Along the trip can see beautiful sceneries and rural living. Take a look at the rice paddies, the place to make tofu, the place for making various crafts such as pottery, bamboo, making pottery, and other activities you need to know. To complete your educational content along the tour, a local guide is needed during this tour. The cost is not yet included, you can let us know if you are interested in.